Social Marketing is all about engaging people one-to-one and it has blossomed in the last couple of years to become one of the hottest, if not THE hottest, avenues for internet marketers to peddle their wares. The problem is that no one who's really serious about marketing online has the time to hob-nob with hundreds of thousands of people much less engage them on a personal level in order to make a sale.
We have solved that problem in a big way. Through our social network contacts and by leveraging the power of Web 2.0 we have captured over 50,000,000 contacts of social marketers across the globe. We have compiled them in one of the largest double opt-in databases available today using this submission technology and now we are making them accessable to the general public. Better still, you don't have to get up close and personal with a single one of them, we do all the work for you. Using our system you will be able to send your ad copy to them, through us, and never receive a single spam complaint, ever!
But it gets better! We have tweaked our technology to allow you, the member, to submit your ad ONE TIME A DAY and yet we will send that ad out ALL DAY on the hour EVERY HOUR, in it's entirety to the database. That's what we call moving alot of information, your information, into the hands of people who will be intrested in YOUR products and services! What's more, we are charging a paltry $10 one time fee for this service and you can use it every day!
Then to sweeten the deal even further we offer optional 100% resell rights on the product and provide you with a reseller page identical to this one so you can share the program with friends and associates and earn a generous $10 commission for every membership you sell that is paid instantly and directly to your PayPal account! How awesome is that? Purchase your membership today and get started on the path to marketing success like never before. This program is one of the hottest sellers we've ever compiled!
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